Recherche |
Publications :
Di Muro A., Neri A., Rosi M. (2004) Contemporaneous convective and
collapsing eruptive dynamics: the transitional regime of explosive eruptions.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31
Di Muro, A., Métrich, N., Mercier, M., Giordano, D., Massare, D.,
Montagnac, G. (2009) Micro-Raman determination of iron redox state in dry natural
glasses : application to peralkaline rhyolites and basalts.
Chemical Geology (Special volume on experimental techniques for the study of hydrothermal fluids and silicate melts) 259:78-88.
Di Muro A, Pallister J., Villemant B., Newhall C., Semet M, Martinez M.
, C. Mariet (2008) Pre-1991 S transfer between mafic injections and dacite magma
in the Mt. Pinatubo reservoir.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (Special volume on 25th Anniversary of the El Chichon Eruption) 175, 517-540.
Di Muro A, Villemant B, Montagnac G, Scaillet B, Reynard B (2006)
Quantification of water content and speciation in natural silicic glasses (phonolite
, dacite, rhyolite) by confocal microRaman spectrometry.
Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 2868-2884
Di Muro, A., A. Aiuppa, M. Burton, N. Metrich, P. Allard, T. Fougeroux,
G. Giudice, R. Guida (2012), Intra-eruptive gas emissions and shallow magma storage
after the 2007 summit caldera collapse of Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island;
EGU, Vienna, 2012
Di Muro, A., N. Métrich, D. Vergani, M. Rosi, P. Armienti, T.
Fougeroux, E. Deloule, I. Arienzo, L. Civetta (2014), The shallow plumbing system
of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean) revealed by the
major 2007 caldera forming eruption,
Journal of Petrology Vol 55, p. 1287-1315 e-ISSN: 1460-2415
Di Muro, A., T. Staudacher, V. Ferrazzini, N. Métrich, P. Besson
, C. Garofalo, and B. Villemant (2015), Shallow magma storage at Piton de la
Fournaise volcano after 2007 summit caldera collapse tracked in Pele’s hairs,
chap 9 of Carey, R. J., V. Cayol, M. P. Poland, and D. Weis (eds.), Hawaiian Volcanoes: From Source to Surface, American Geophysical Union Monograph 208, pp 189-212.
Di Muro, A., N. Métrich, P. Allard, A. Aiuppa, M. Burton, B.
Galle, T. Staudacher (2015), Magma degassing at Piton de la Fournaise volcano.
Active Volcanoes of the World series, Springer, P. Bachelery, J.F Lenat, A. Di Muro, L. Michon Editors.
Durand, J., Tulet, P., Leriche, M., Bielli, S., Villeneuve, N., Di Muro, A., Filippi, J.B. (2014)
Modelling the lava heat flux during severe effusive volcanic eruptions : an
important impact on surface air quality.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmosphere
Hibert, C., Mangeney, A., Polacci, M., Di Muro, A., Vergniolle, S.,
Ferrazzini, V., Taisne, B., Burton, M., Dewez, T., Grandjean, G., Dupont, A.,
Staudacher, T., Brenguier, F., Shapiro, N.M., Kowalski, P., Boissier, P.,
Catherine, P., Lauret, F. (2015) Multidisciplinary monitoring of the January 2010
eruption of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion island.
Journal of Geophysical Research. Accepted, 120
Liuzzo, M., Di Muro, A., Giudice, G., Michon, L. (2015) New
evidence of CO2 degassing anomalies on the Piton de la Fournaise and the relationship
between seismotectonic structures and CO2 flux from the soil. Submitted to G3
Liuzzo, M., G. Giudice, A. Di Muro, V. Ferrazzini, L. Michon (2014),
New observational evidence of CO2 degassing anomalies on the Piton de la Fournaise
and the relationship between seismotectonic structures and CO2 flux from the soil.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, EGU General Assembly, 2014, Vienna.
Mercier, M, Di Muro, A., Métrich, N., Giordano, D., Belhadj,
O., Mandeville, C.W. (2010) Spectroscopic analysis (FTIR, Raman) of water in mafic
and intermediate glasses and glass inclusions.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 5641-5656.
Métrich, N., Bertagnini, A., Di Muro, A. (2010) Conditions
of magma storage, degassing and ascent at Stromboli : new insights into the volcano
plumbing system with inferences on the eruptive dynamics.
Journal of Petrology, 51, 603-6026.
Michon, L., A. Di Muro, N. Villeneuve, P. Fadda, F. Manta, C.
Saint-Marc (2013), Explosive activity of the summit cone of Piton de la Fournaise
volcano: a historical and geological review.
J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 263, 117-133.
Michon, L., V. Ferrazzini, A. Di Muro, N. Villeneuve, V. Famin (2015),
Rift zones and magma plumbing system of Piton de la Fournaise volcano: how do they
differ from Hawaii and Etna,
J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., submitted.
Roult, G., A. Peltier, T. Staudacher, V. Ferrazzini, B. Taisne, A. Di Muro
and the OVPF team (2012), A comprehensive classification of the Piton de la
Fournaise eruptions (La Réunion Island) spanning the 1986-2010 period.
Search for eruption precursors from the broad-band GEOSCOPE RER station analysis and
interpretation in terms of volcanic processes,
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 241, 78-104.
Savage, M.K., Ferrazzini, V., Peltier, A., Rivemale, E., Mayor, J., Schmid, A.,
Brenguier, F., Massin, F., Got, J.L., Battaglia, J., Di Muro, A.,
Staudacher, T., Rivet, D., Taisne, B., Shelley, A. (2015) Seismic anisotropy and
its precursory change before eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 120
Sivia, S.,G, Gheusi, F., Mari, C., Di Muro, A. (2015)
Simulations and parameterisation of shallow volcanic plumes of Piton de la Fournaise,
La Réunion Island using Méso-NH.
Geosci. Model. Dev, Accepted, 8: 1427-1443
Venugopal, S., Moune, S., Williams-Jones, G., 2016, Investigating the subsurface
connection beneath Cerro Negro Volcano and the Las Pilas-El Hoyo Complex, Nicaragua,
JVGR, 325,211-224.
Gauthier P.J, Sigmarsson, O., Gouhier M., Haddadi, B., Moune S.
, 2016, Elevated gas flux and trace metal degassing from the 2014-2015 fissure
eruption at the Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland.
Journal of
Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,121,3, 1610-1630.
Menard, G., Moune, S. Vlastelic, I., Aguilera, F., Valade, S.,
Bontemps, M., 2014, Gas and aerosol emissions from Lascar volcano (Northern Chile)
: insights into the origin of gases and their links with the volcanic activity ,
JVGR , 287, 51-67.
Sigmarsson,O., Haddadi, B., Carn, S., Moune, S., Gudnasson, J., Yang,
K., Clarisse, L., 2013, The sulphur budget of the 2011 eruption Grimsvotn eruption
, Iceland.
GRL,40, doi:10.1002/2013GL057760
Moune, S., Sigmarsson,O., Thordarson, T., Schiano, P., Keiding, J.,
2012, Melt inclusion constraints on the magma source of Eyjafjallajökull 2010
flank eruption,
J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JB008718.
Aguilera F., Tassi, F., Darrah, T., S. Moune and Vaselli, O., 2012,
Geochemical model of a magmatic-hydrothermal system at the Lastarria volcano,
northern Chile,
Bull Volcanol., 74, p 119-134
Donnadieu, F., S. Valade, and S. Moune, 2011, Three dimensional
transport speed of wind-drifted ash plumes using ground-based radar ,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L18310, doi:10.1029/2011GL049001.
Moune, S., Gauthier, P.J., Delmelle, P., 2010, Trace elements in
the particulate phase of the Plume of Masaya Volcano,
J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 193,232-244
Moune, S., Sigmarsson, O., Thordarson, T. and Gauthier P.J., 2007,
Recent volatile evolution in the magmatic system of Hekla volcano, Iceland:
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 255, 373-389.
Moune, S., Gauthier, P.-J., Gislason, S.R. and Sigmarsson O.,
2006, Trace element degassing and enrichment in the eruptive plume of Hekla
volcano (Iceland) during the 2000 eruption:
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 461-479.
Others not directly related to GazVolc :
Rodriguez, I., Roche, O., Moune, S., Aguilera, F., Campos, E.,
Pizarro, M., 2015, Evolution of Irruputuncu volcano, Central Andes, Northern Chile.
Andean Geology, 63, 385-399.
Sigmarsson, O., Vlastelic, I., Andreasen, R., Bindeman, I., Devidal, J.L., Moune,
S., J. K. Keiding, G. Larsen, A. Höskuldsson, and Th. Thordarson, 2011,
Dynamic magma mixing revealed by the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, 2011,
Solid Earth Discuss., 3, 591–613, doi:10.5194/sed-3-591-2011
Moune, S.strong>, Holtz, F., Botcharnikov, R., 2009, Sulphur solubility
in andesitic to basaltic melts: An exemple of Hekla volcano,
Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 157, 691-707.
Moune, S., Faure, F, Gauthier, P.J. and Sims, K., 2007, Pele's
hairs and tears: natural probe of volcanic plume,
J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 164, 244-253