OPGC Virtual Observatory API

DEFAULT Observation Service

The default way to search for data via OPGC-VO databases and download them.


data-catalog - search for a data list

This is the default way to obtain a catalog of available data in the OPGC-VO databases.

To download a data use the dataDownloadDEFAULT [GET rest2/req.php/{os}/data/id/{uri}/{format}] operation


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/{os}?timestart=&timeend="


Path parameters
Name Description
The os parameter is mandatory and is used to access to the database related to one of the observation service that are included in the OPGC-VO.
Query parameters
Name Description
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. The parameter timeend need to also be defined so the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates.

*example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. The parameter timestart need to also be defined so the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates.

*example*: 2015-05-06T08:00:00Z


Status: 201 - successful HTTP request, resulting in the creation of a new downloadable resource

  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "descr": "string",
  "authorization_": 0,
  "date_b": "string",
  "time_b": "string",
  "localization": "string",
  "lat": 0,
  "lng": 0,
  "elevation": 0,
  "epsg": 0,
  "uri": "string"

Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter


download a specific data

This operation is used to download a specific data defined by the os parameter (the name of the observation service) and the uri parameter (the **id** of the data)


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/{os}/data/id/{uri}/{format}"


Path parameters
Name Description
The os parameter is mandatory and is used to access to the database related to one of the observation service that are included in the OPGC-VO.
Integer (int32)
The uri parameter is an **integer** used as unique identifier of a specific data
The format parameter allow to choose between a JSON or CSV output


Status: 201 - successful HTTP request, resulting in the creation of a new downloadable resource

Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter

DYNVOLC Observation Service

DYNVOLC is an observation system within France's National Service for Volcanological Observation (SNOV) The document describing the Quality Assurance of the produce datas is available here.

Acces to DYNVOLC data through the OPGC-VO website.

DYNVOLC is also integrated to the european project EPOS under the id WP11-DDSS-036.


data-catalog - search data through the DYNVOLC database

By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for a list of available DYNVOLC product in the OPGC-VO databases. This can be achieved by using at least one of the following query parameters:

  • timestart
  • timeend
  • eruptive_style
  • elevation_min
  • elevation_max

So far, all the DYNVOLC data was acquired at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Réunion island - FRANCE that why there is no need to allow to search for data using a location parameter.

To download a data use the dataDownloadDEFAULT [GET rest2/req.php/{os}/data/id/{uri}/{format}] operation


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc?timestart=&timeend=&eruptive_style=&elevation_min=&elevation_max=&output=&onscreen="


Query parameters
Name Description
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timeend is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period older than timestart.

*example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timestart is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period before timeend.

*example*: 2015-05-06T08:00:00Z
The eruptive_style parameter is used to limit the query to data related to a specific eruptive style.
Integer (int32)
The elevation_min parameter is used to limit the query to data which have their eruption point above a minimum elevation (in meter).

If both elevation_min and elevation_max are specified then elevation_min have to be **less or equal** to elevation_max

example: 700
Integer (int32)
The elevation_max parameter is used to limit the query to data which have their eruption point below a maximum elevation (in meter).

example: 2700


Status: 200 - successful HTTP request, resulting in the creation of a new downloadable resource

    "identifier": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc?timestart={timestart}&timeend={timeend}",
    "title": "Search for geochemical analyses of magmatic rocks and gases samples in the OPGC-DYNVOLC database",
    "description": "This web service provide a list, in the *features* field, of available geochemical analysis datasets that match your query. Data of each datasets can be retrieve from the link provide in the *@epos_links* field of *properties*",
    "contactPoint": [
            "@type": "vcard:Contact",
            "fn": "Lucia Gurioli",
            "hasEmail": "lucia.gurioli@uca.fr"
            "@type": "vcard:Contact",
            "fn": "Andrea Di Muro",
            "hasEmail": "dimuro@ipgp.fr"
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand"
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "@epos_style": {
        "eruption": {
            "label": "This is DYNVOLC dataset related to an eruption",
            "marker": {
                "href": "https://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/vobs/images/icons/dynvolc.png",
                "pin": false,
                "clustering": false,
                "anchor": "C"
    "features": [
            "id": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc/data/id/{eruption_id}",
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "@epos_type": "eruption",
                "@epos_label_key": "title",
                "@epos_map_keys": [
                "@epos_data_keys": [
                "title": "Piton de La Fournaise - {eruption_name} Eruption",
                "description": "Geochemical analyses of magmatic rocks and gases samples collected during the {eruption_name} eruption at Piton de La Fournaise",
                "temporal": "{eruption_start}/{eruption_stop}",
                "elevation": 0.0,
                "@epos_links": [
                        "href": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc/data/id/{eruption_id}",
                        "label": "accessURL",
                        "type": "application/geo+json"

Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter


Collection of magmatic rocks - search data through the DYNVOLC database

By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for a list of available DYNVOLC rock samples and thin sections in the OPGC-VO databases. The you can use an online form to ask access to specific rock samples and/or thin sections your are interested in. This can be achieved by providing the following two mandatory parameters:

  • timestart
  • timeend

And you can adjust your query by using these optional parameters

  • lat-min
  • lat-max
  • lng-min
  • lng-max


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc/rocks/{timestart}/{timeend}?lat-min=&lat-max=&lng-min=&lng-max="


Query parameters
Name Description
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timeend is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period older than timestart.

*example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timestart is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period before timeend.

*example*: 2015-05-06T08:00:00Z
Float (float)
The lat-min parameter is used to limit the query to data above a minimum latitude (in decimal degrees).

min: -90.0 - max: 90.0
Float (float)
The lat-max parameter is used to limit the query to data under a maximum latitude (in decimal degrees).

min: -90.0 - max: 90.0
Float (float)
The lng-min parameter is used to limit the query to data above a minimum longitude (in decimal degrees).

min: -180.0 - max: 180.0
Float (float)
The lng-max parameter is used to limit the query to data under a maximum longitude (in decimal degrees).

min: -180.0 - max: 180.0


Status: 200 - successful HTTP request

    "identifier": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc/rocks/{timestart}/{timeend}?",
    "title": "Collection of magmatic rocks samples",
    "description": "To have access to rocks samples list below please contact the scientific leader of DYNVOLC system Lucia GURIOLI (lucia.gurioli [at] uca.fr) specifying *indentifier* of the rock samples needed. For this you can use the online form accessible through the *orderURL* field.",
    "contactPoint": [
            "@type": "vcard:Contact",
            "fn": "Lucia Gurioli",
            "hasEmail": "lucia.gurioli@uca.fr"
            "@type": "vcard:Contact",
            "fn": "Andrea Di Muro",
            "hasEmail": "dimuro@ipgp.fr"
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand"
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "@epos_style": {
        "sample": {
            "label": "This is a volcanic rock sample",
            "marker": {
                "fontawesome_class": "fas fa-star",
                "pin": true,
                "clustering": true,
                "anchor": "C"
    "features": [
            "id": "{sample_name}",
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "@epos_type": "sample",
                "@epos_label_key": "title",
                "@epos_map_keys": [
                "@epos_data_keys": [
                "title": "Rock sample {sample_name}",
                "description": "A lava sample collected by {sample_collector} the {sample_date} during the {sample_eruption} eruption at Piton de La Fournaise",
                "temporal": "{sample_date}",
                "@epos_links": [
                        "href": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/dynvolc/sample/{eruption_id}/{sample_id}",
                        "label": "accessURL",
                        "type": "application/geo+json"
                        "href": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/form/dynvolc.php?start={timestart}&stop={timeend}",
                        "label": "orderURL",
                        "type": "text/html"

Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter

GAZVOLC Observation Service

GAZVOLC is an observation system within France’s National Service for Volcanological Observation (SNOV).

Acces to GAZVOLC data through the OPGC-VO website.

GAZVOLC is also integrated to the european project EPOS under the id WP11-DDSS-036.


data-catalog - search data through the GAZVOLC database

By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for a list of available GAZVOLC product in the OPGC-VO databases. This can be achieved by using at least one of the following query parameters:

  • timestart
  • timeend

So far, all the GAZVOLC data was acquired at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Réunion island - FRANCE that why there is no need to allow to search for data using a location parameter.

To download a data use the dataDownloadDEFAULT [GET rest2/req.php/{os}/data/id/{uri}/{format}] operation


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/gazvolc?timestart=&timeend="


Query parameters
Name Description
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timeend is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period older than timestart.

*example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timestart is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period before timeend.

*example*: 2015-05-06T08:00:00Z


Status: 200 - successful HTTP request, resulting in the creation of a new downloadable resource

    "identifier": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/gazvolc?timestart={timestart}&timeend={timeend}",
    "title": "Search for geochemical analyses of magmatic rocks and gases samples in the OPGC-GAZVOLC database",
    "description": "This web service provide a list, in the *features* field, of available geochemical analyses datasets that match your query. Data of each datasets can be retrieve from the link provide in the *@epos_links* field of *properties*",
    "contactPoint": [
            "@type": "vcard:Contact",
            "fn": "Severine Moune",
            "hasEmail": "s.moune@opgc.fr"
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand"
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "@epos_style": {
        "eruption": {
            "label": "This is a GAZVOLC dataset related to an eruption",
            "marker": {
                "href": "https://wwwobs.univ-bpclermont.fr/vobs/images/icons/gazvolc_selected.png",
                "pin": false,
                "clustering": false,
                "anchor": "C"
    "features": [
            "id": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/gazvolc/data/id/{id}",
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "@epos_type": "eruption",
                "@epos_label_key": "title",
                "@epos_map_keys": [
                "@epos_data_keys": [
                "title": "Piton de La Fournaise - {name} Eruption",
                "description": "Geochemical analyses of glass materials in magamtic rocks samples collected during the {name} eruption at Piton de La Fournaise",
                "temporal": "{start}/{stop}",
                "elevation": 0.0,
                "@epos_links": [
                        "href": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/gazvolc/data/id/{id}",
                        "label": "accessURL",
                        "type": "application/geo+json"

Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter

VOLDORAD Observation Service

VOLDORAD is an observation system within France's National Service for Volcanological Observation (SNOV). The document describing the Quality Assurance of the produce datas is available here.

Acces to VOLDORAD data through the OPGC-VO website.

VOLDORAD is also integrated to the european project EPOS under the id WP11-DDSS-024.


data-catalog - search data through the VOLDORAD database

By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for a list of available VOLDORAD product in the OPGC-VO databases. This can be achieved by using at least one of the following query parameters:

  • timestart
  • timeend
  • radar
  • localization
  • eruption

To download a data use the dataDownloadDEFAULT [GET rest2/req.php/{os}/data/id/{uri}/{format}] operation


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/voldorad?timestart=&timeend=&radar=&localization=&eruption="


Query parameters
Name Description
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timeend is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period older than timestart.

*example*: 2015-12-01T00:00:00Z
Date (date-time)
A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter timestart is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period before timeend.

*example*: 2015-12-06T00:00:00Z
Limit the query to data acquired with a specific type of Doppler radar
Limit the query to data acquired at a specific localization
Limit the query to data acquired during an eruption


Status: 200 - successful HTTP request, resulting in the creation of a new downloadable resource

    "identifier": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/voldorad?timestart={timestart}&timeend={timeend}&radar=VOLDORAD2B&localization=Etna&eruption=false",
    "title": "Search for near source eruptive parameters derived from Doppler radar spectra in the OPGC-VOLDORAD database",
    "description": "This web service provide a list, in the *features* field, of avaible near source eruptive parameters datasets that match your query. Data of each datasets can be retrieve from the link provide in the *@epos_links* field of *properties*",
    "contactPoint": [
            "@type": "vcard:Contact",
            "fn": "Franck Donnadieu",
            "hasEmail": "franck.donnadieu@uca.fr"
    "publisher": {
        "@type": "org:Organization",
        "name": "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand"
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "@epos_style": {
        "station": {
            "label": "This is a VOLDORAD station",
            "marker": {
                "character": "V",
                "pin": true,
                "clustering": true
    "features": [
            "id": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/voldorad/data/id/{id}",
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "@epos_type": "station",
                "@epos_label_key": "title",
                "@epos_map_keys": [
                "@epos_data_keys": [
                "title": "VOLDORAD2B - MONT_20151201",
                "description": "Near source eruptive parameters derived from doppler radar spectra",
                "temporal": "{start}/{stop}",
                "@epos_links": [
                        "href": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/voldorad/data/id/{id}",
                        "label": "accessURL",
                        "type": "application/geo+json"

Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter

OI2 Observation Service

OI2 (InSAR Observatory of Indian Ocean) is a labellised observation system within the France's National Service for Volcanological Observation (SNOV). The document describing the Quality Assurance of the produce datas is available here.

Acces to OI2 data through the CASOAR website.

OI2 is also integrated to the european project EPOS under the id WP11-DDSS-050.


data-catalog - search data through the OI2 database

By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for a list of available OI2 product in the CASOAR databases. This can be achieved by using at least one of the following query parameters:

  • sat
  • start_date
  • stop_date
  • mas_orb_min
  • mas_orb_max
  • sla_orb_min
  • sla_orb_max
  • mas_pol
  • sla_pol
  • mode
  • ah_min
  • ah_max
  • swath
  • track
  • beam

  • rest2/req.php/oi2

    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/oi2?sat=&start_date=&stop_date=&mas_orb_min=&mas_orb_max=&sla_orb_min=&sla_orb_max=&mas_pol=&sla_pol=&mode=&ah_min=&ah_max=&swath=&track=&beam="


    Query parameters
    Name Description
    The sat parameter is used to limit the query to interferograms produced from scene acquired by a specific satellite:
    Date (date-time)
    A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter stop_date is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period older than start_date.

    *example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
    Date (date-time)
    A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter start_date is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period before stop_date.

    *example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
    Integer (int32)
    The mas_orb_min parameter is the minimum orbit number allowed for master scene used to produce interferograms.

    If both mas_orb_min and mas_orb_max are specified then mas_orb_min have to be **less or equal** to mas_orb_max.

    example: 1000
    Integer (int32)
    The mas_orb_max parameter is the maximum orbit number allowed for master scene used to produce interferograms.

    If both mas_orb_min and mas_orb_max are specified then mas_orb_min have to be **less or equal** to mas_orb_max.

    example: 25000
    Integer (int32)
    The sla_orb_min parameter is the maximum orbit number allowed for slave scene used to produce interferograms.

    If both sla_orb_min and sla_orb_max are specified then sla_orb_min have to be **less or equal** to sla_orb_max.

    example: 1000
    Integer (int32)
    The sla_orb_max parameter is the maximum orbit number allowed for slave scene used to produce interferograms.

    If both sla_orb_min and sla_orb_max are specified then sla_orb_min have to be **less or equal** to sla_orb_max.

    example: 25000
    The mas_pol parameter is used to specify a type of polarisation for master scene.
    The sla_pol parameter is used to specify a type of polarisation for slave scene.
    The mode parameter is used to limit the query to data acquired in a specific orbit direction
    Float (float)
    The ah_min parameter is the minimum ambiguity height allowed used to produce interferograms.

    If both ah_min and ah_max are specified then ah_min have to be **less or equal** to ah_max.

    example: 650.25
    Float (float)
    The ah_max parameter is the maximum ambiguity height allowed used to produce interferograms.

    If both ah_min and ah_max are specified then ah_min have to be **less or equal** to ah_max.

    example: 650.25
    Limit the query of Sentinel data to those acquired from a specific swath.
    Integer (int32)
    Limit the query of Alos-Palsar data to those acquired from a specific track.
    Limit the query of Cosmo-Skymed data to those acquired from a specific beam.


    Status: 200 - successful HTTP request, resulting in the creation of a new downloadable resource

        "identifier": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/oi2?sat={satellite}&start_date={start_date}&stop_date={stop_date}&",
        "title": "Search for wrapped InSAR interferograms in the OPGC-OI2 database",
        "description": "This web service provide a list, in the *features* field, of available wrapped interferograms that match your query. Each interferograms can be retrieve from the link provide in the *accessURL* field of *properties*",
        "contactPoint": [
                "@type": "vcard:Contact",
                "fn": "Jean-Luc Froger",
                "hasEmail": "j.l.froger@opgc.fr"
        "publisher": {
            "@type": "org:organization",
            "name": "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand"
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": [
                "id": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/oi2/WI/{satellite}/{product_name}",
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": null,
                "@epos_image_overlay": {
                    "href": "http://opgc.fr/casoar/image.php?Type=SentInterf&Folder=OI2_REU&Data={product_name}&Size=m",
                    "bbox": [
                    "legend": {
                        "href": "https://www.opgc.fr/casoar/dec/Wave15.png"
                "properties": {
                    "@epos_type": "overlay",
                    "@epos_label_key": "title",
                    "@epos_map_key": [
                    "@epos_data_keys": [
                    "id": "{product_name}",
                    "title": "{product_name} - wrapped interferogram",
                    "description": "Wrapped interferogram compute using two InSAR scene from {satellite} imaging deformation at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion island - FRANCE)",
                    "temporal": "{product_start}/{product_stop}",
                    "@epos_links": [
                            "href": "https://opgc.fr/casoar/ws/search.php/INTERFEROGRAM?uid={product_name}",
                            "label": "accessURL",
                            "type": "application/geo+json"

    Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

    Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter


lavaMapOI2 - search Lava Map contour through the OI2 database

By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for a list of available OI2 Lava Map product in the CASOAR databases. This can be achieved by using at least one of the following query parameters:

  • sat
  • start_date
  • stop_date
  • eruption

  • rest2/req.php/oi2/lavamap

    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X GET "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/oi2/lavamap?sat=&start_date=&stop_date=&eruption="


    Query parameters
    Name Description
    The sat parameter is used to limit the query to interferograms produced from scene acquired by a specific satellite:
    Date (date-time)
    A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter stop_date is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period older than start_date.

    *example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
    Date (date-time)
    A date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6. If the parameter start_date is also defined, the query will search for data related to the time-period between this two dates. If not it will search for data related to a time period before stop_date.

    *example*: 2010-05-06T08:00:00Z
    This parameter can be used to get data related to a specific eruption of Piton de la Fournaise:
    • Mid_1998
    • Jul_1999
    • Sep_1999
    • Feb_2000
    • Jun_2000
    • Oct_2000
    • Mar_2001
    • Jul_2001
    • Jan_2002
    • Nov_2002
    • May_2003
    • Aug_2003
    • Sep_2003
    • Dec_2003
    • Jan_2004
    • May_2004
    • Aug_2004
    • Feb_2005
    • Oct_2005
    • Nov_2005
    • Dec_2006
    • Jul_2006
    • Aug_2006
    • Feb_2007
    • Apr_2007
    • Oct_2008
    • Dec_2008
    • Jan_2009
    • Nov_2009
    • Dec_2009
    • Jan_2010
    • Oct_2010
    • Dec_2010
    • Jun_2014
    • Feb_2015
    • May_2015
    • Jul_2015
    • Aug-Oct_2015
    • May_2016
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    • Sept-Oct_2018


    Status: 200 - successful HTTP request

        "identifier": "http://opgc.fr/vobs/rest2/req.php/oi2/lavamap?start_date={timestart}&stop_date={timestop}&eruption={eruption_id}&",
        "title": "Search for lava map contour derived from InSAR interferometry in the OPGC-OI2 database",
        "description": "This web service provide a list, in the *features* field, of available datasets that match your query. Data of each datasets can be access from the link provide in *accessURL* field of *properties*",
        "contactPoint": [
                "@type": "vcard:Contact",
                "fn": "Jean-Luc Froger",
                "hasEmail": "j.l.froger@ogpc.fr"
        "publisher": {
            "@type": "org:Organization",
            "name": "Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand"
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "@epos_style": {
            "lavaflow": {
                "label": "this is a OI2 lavaflow map derived from InSAR data",
                "marker": {
                    "character": "L",
                    "pin": true,
                    "clustering": true
        "features": [
                "id": "https://opgc.fr/casoar/ws/search.php/LAVAMAP?uid={product_name}",
                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "Point",
                    "coordinates": [
                "properties": {
                    "@epos_type": "lavaflow",
                    "@epos_label_key": "title",
                    "@epos_map_keys": [
                    "@epos_data_keys": [
                    "title": "{product_name}",
                    "description": "A lava flow contour map derived from InSAR interferometry",
                    "temporal": "{product_start}/{product_stop}",
                    "@epos_links": [
                            "href": "https://opgc.fr/casoar/ws/search.php/LAVAMAP?uid={product_name}",
                            "label": "accessURL",
                            "type": "application/geo+json"

    Status: 204 - successful HTTP request, but there is no data that match the query criteria

    Status: 400 - failed HTTP request, bad input parameter